Saturday, March 28, 2009

Earth minutes

7:35 - Just got kiddo to bed. Hopefully she'll fall asleep before 8:30 so I can secretly unplug her nightlight without a small war breaking out.

7:52 - I have a late night snack of Timbits waiting in the wings, so I'm trying to decide what pairing would be or white wine?...or vodka?

8:05 - Never turned on any lights today in the first place, so I don't have any to turn off.

8:08 - Lighting some tealights.

8:10 - Thinking I better crack into my bottle of wine while I can still see it...going for the red, but only because it was a $7 self-made purchase, not the more expensive prize the bottle of white was.

8:15 - Couldn't figure out how to open the bottle and almost called in some backup. Ended up slicing the whole screw-top off with the small knife on my bottle opener. I can't believe I just admitted that: a) I'm drinking wine that has a screw-top and b) that I couldn't figure out how to open it...I haven't even started drinking yet!

8:18 - Looking out the window with my glass of wine and realising it's unlikely all the lights on the outside of my apartment building would ever be turned off for any sensible reason.

8:20 - Settling into the couch with Joanna Newsom playing on my (battery powered) laptop.

8:31 - Kiddo is singing loudly from her bed, but not complaining about the dark.

8:38 - Pretty disappointed with this town's Earth Hour showing...more than half of the houses I can see from my balcony have lights on in most windows, all street lights are on, I wasn't wrong about my apartment building and the Canadian Tire down the street has so many lights on outside you can probably see it from space.

8:46 - Who needs a furnace when you've got red wine?

9:04 - Just stepped outside for a moment (in a t-shirt...wahoo for spring!) to escape the heat of my 2 candles. Many more houses are now dark, but the glare from the many well-lit, yet closed businesses are still making for a very bright wonder kiddo isn't missing her nightlight!

9:10 - Wondering how Earth Hour looks to Mom, who is currently in an airplane somewhere over South America.

9:19 - Kiddo's finally asleep.

9:22 - Note to self: remember to bring a candle next time you go to the would figure this is when I find out kiddo finished the roll of toilet paper.

9:30 - OK, admittedly I am now plugging my laptop back in...but all else will remain dark tonight. Including the clouds, it would seem, so no stargazing to reward us faithful energy conservers...kinda hoping for a good thunderstorm to make up for it.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Tuned in and turned on

I'm liking the 'new' CBC Radio 2...specifically the Morning show and Drive. It makes for a very nice commute and I hear new things every day that I love.

This song by Blitzen Trapper really got me this morning. Totally derivative of Bob Dylan of course, but who ever said that was a bad thing? Chill out and enjoy...