Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My first road kill

Just after cresting a hill on the unpaved marvel that is Sawmill Road on this dark night, my car took out a possum. The worst part of it all was that it didn't die...not immediately anyway. I watched it writhe around on the road for a while wondering if I should put it out of it's misery, and then all of a sudden it was gone...creepy.

I don't like possums, but it was still a terrible experience. I realise it was worse for the possum, yet somehow my remorse is lacking.

My research tells me that possums are native to the southeastern United States, and were introduced to the West during the depression as a source of food (ick) and have now made it into Ontario somehow. They're also North America's only marsupial (who knew?!).

Well I say, send 'em back from whence they came! Or maybe in these tough times some adventurous people will find use for them. According to the Joy of Cooking (page 515), after trapping a possum it's best to feed it on milk and cereal for 10 days before roasting (ICK!).

And just so you can't accuse me of not being fair and balanced in my blogging, here is the opposing view:

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